Fall Is Coming

Published on 9 September 2021 at 09:21


I know fall has not yet begun, but down here in the south...the weather is starting to get cooler as you can feel it in early morning and in the evening as the sun sets. I love this time of the year! 


It's football season! Where are all the fans at? I may say I love me some Alabama. ROLL TIDE!!!. I'm not that far from Auburn who are our enemies and doing this time of the year can be brutal. Try wearing Alabama clothing in Auburn territory. One of these years I'm going to make it to an Alabama game. I want to be in the fun-filled excitement. Now I have been to an Auburn game and I did enjoy it. I enjoyed being in the crowded arena and with loud, screaming fans, but for now every Saturday, big screen T.V. and the couch calls my name.


With cooler and colder climate approaches it's time to pack up the summer clothes for a few here in the south as they would still wear summer clothing in the fall. For me I pack it up and out comes my cute fall attire. I have my hoodies, coats, jackets, long sweaters, leggings and boots out and ready. I love to feel cozy and snuggle up. Sometimes I wish it would snow more if we get any and if we did it would last for 3 or more days. Which never happens. That would be one of the best Christmas present ever.


The colors of fall are beautiful as the orange, reddish, yellow and brown leaves fall to the ground. I love the atmosphere and the smells of pumpkin, apple and cinnamon linger in the air. The holidays are around the corner: Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. As you notice the best are saved for last.

Around this time of year this is when I want the months to slow down and take it's time. No need to rush. I love being with my family around time of year for the holidays. I just FALL for everything around this time of the year!

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